Changing Babies.
Changing Lives.

Help us end

Diaper Need

in Idaho communities.

Nearly half of Idaho’s babies live in families struggling to make ends meet. Diapers can cost upwards of $100 every month for one child. There are no local, state or federal subsidies (WIC, SNAP)  for diapers – a basic necessity for babies. Tough decisions are being made in these households. Do we buy food or diapers, or pay our rent or utility bills?

Idaho Diaper Bank has been partnering with local nonprofits assisting families in need to cover bottoms and fill the diaper gap in the Treasure Valley since 2014.

Not having an adequate supply of diapers can cause adverse effects not only for the health of the baby but also mental health of the parents.

No childcare

Childcare facilities won’t accept children without a supply of disposable diapers.

No diapers

Not having an adequate supply of diapers can cause adverse effects not only for the health of the baby but mental health of the parents.

No wages

Parents are missing an average of 5 days a month of wages due to an inadequate supply of diapers.


Upward Mobility

Job or wage loss due to an inadequate supply of diapers for childcare is keeping low-income families in a vicious circle of poverty.

Not having an adequate supply of diapers can cause adverse effects not only for the health of the baby but also mental health of the parents.

  • No Childcare – Childcare facilities won’t accept children without a supply of disposable diapers.
  • No Early Education – Missed early educational opportunities have knock-on educational effects – putting these children at a disadvantage when it comes to higher education.
  • Missed wages – Parents are missing an average of 5 days a month of wages due to an inadequate supply of diapers.
  • No Upward Mobility – Job or wage loss due to an inadequate supply of diapers for childcare is keeping low-income families in a vicious circle of poverty.

We’ve been donating diapers to families in need in our communities since 2014.

Did you know?

No safety net – Diapers are not covered by government subsidy programs like SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program), WIC (Women’s Infants & Children)

7% of Idaho’s babies under the age of 3 live in families struggling to make ends meet.

The cost of diapers is often more than $100/month

Most childcare facilities require a day’s supply of diapers

No childcare

Childcare facilities won’t accept children without a supply of disposable diapers.

No diapers

Not having an adequate supply of diapers can cause adverse effects not only for the health of the baby and mental health of the parents.

No wages

Parents are missing an average of 5 days a month of wages due to an inadequate supply of diapers.


Upward Mobility

Job or wage loss due to an inadequate supply of diapers for childcare is keeping low-income families in a vicious circle of poverty.

No diapers

Our Mission

To build stronger, healthier families in Idaho by providing access to basic hygiene to keep babies clean, dry, healthy, and happy.

No childcare

Our Mission

To build stronger, healthier families in Idaho by providing access to basic hygiene to keep babies clean, dry, healthy, and happy.

no wages

Our Mission

To build stronger, healthier families in Idaho by providing access to basic hygiene to keep babies clean, dry, healthy, and happy.

Upward Mobility
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$10 can help keep a baby dry for a month.

By giving families something as simple as a diaper, we give them a glimpse of hope and a chance to get back on track financially and reduce overall family stress. 

There is zero governmental assistance for basic hygiene items like diapers. A lack of diapers is often a hidden consequence of poverty.

We've been joyfully assisting the families of Idaho in need since 2014 and so far we have donated

7 MILLION+ diapers!

0 Million+

SINCE 2014


Babies served since 2015


Diapers Distributed this month


Babies served this month


Active Partners in the Treasure Valley

with negotiated contracts we buy sizes needed in bulk at 30% less than retail